Want to Build the Union? Become a workplace contact

Bath UCU is preparing a major recruitment drive aimed at increasing our breadth (more members) and our depth (members feeling more engaged) across campus.

Q: Why don’t people join the union?

Academic research shows the number one reason given is ‘nobody asked me to’.

Q: What’s the main way to increase union engagement?

The only variable identified as ‘highly statistically significant’ is whether a workplace does or does not have a union contact in it

As a first step it is therefore vital that we increase the number of workplace contacts and make better use of them.

You can find a list of current workplace contacts HERE.

If you’re interested in learning more, read on!

What is a workplace contact?

The role of a workplace contact is to let your branch know what’s happening in your workplace, and to help the union get messages to its members.

It’s a good learning opportunity and starting point for anyone interested in getting actively involved in the union.

What does being a workplace contact involve?

Workplace contacts could do one, a mix, or all of the following:

Act as a point of contact between the branch and members in your workplace:

  • Have your name listed on the branch website as your workplace’s UCU contact
  • Have conversations with members and non-members in the workplace in which you can share relevant union information with colleagues and other UCU members
  • Pass information about issues in the department up to the branch-level and see that they are taken up (and report back to workplace members, keeping them in the loop)
  • Keep notice boards up to date with UCU information and put-up UCU posters and distribute leaflets and newsletters round staff rooms and departmental colleagues
  • Make sure colleagues in your workplace ‘see and feel’ the union
  • Administrate a WhatsApp group for workplace members as a space to discuss issues; manage the email list for members in your workplace and send them tailored emails

Help in recruitment:

  • Either (i) inform the branch recruitment officer when new staff join your workplace; or (ii) directly email new staff or door-knock and invite them yourself, with leaflets.
  • Talk to existing non-members in the workplace and inviting them, or offering to put a committee member in touch with them if wanted

Help with wider branch organising:

  • Attend semi-regular meetings of the workplace contacts network to give updates on members’ feelings and potential issues.
  • Help with organising more off-campus socials

What does it not involve?

Workplace contacts are not expected to undertake casework (although they may also wish to become caseworkers and receive training) and they are not members of the branch committee (although committee members can be workplace contacts).

What defines a ‘workplace’?

It may be large, or it may be small: it may be a department, or it may be a group like CLT, or Skills, or Admissions & Outreach, or the SU, or Careers, or a group of administrative offices within a faculty….

The workplace may not be an entirely homogenous grouping with one designation, but rather a shared working area on campus. You will know better than anyone else.

If you are interested in becoming a workplace contact, please email the Branch President David Moon (dsm31) and our Recruitment Officer Ben Ralph (bdr25).