Bath UCU Committee

Our members work as academics, researchers, administrators, librarians, computer staff, teaching postgraduates and other hourly paid teaching staff, whether on fixed-term or permanent contracts, whether full-time or part-time.

If you are interested in taking on a Committee role and would like more information please do contact us.

Branch Officers 2024/25

President Ben Ralph (Computer Science)
Vice-President Sandhya Moise (Chemical Engineering)
Secretary Galadriel Ravelli (POLIS)
Treasurer Tim Barrett (DDaT)
Membership Secretary Kate Ehrig-Page (Library)
Recruitment Officer vacant
Heath & Safety Officer Michael Carley (Mechanical Engineering)
Equality Officer Fran Amery (POLIS)
Anti-casualisation Officer Sofia Doyle (POLIS)
Pensions Officer James Davenport (Computer Science)
Casework coordinator Sarah Parry (School of Management)
Green/Environment Officer
Sandhya Moise (Chemical Engineering)

Members Reps on Committee 2024/25

Women & Non-Binary Members Rep Sofia Doyle (POLIS)
BME Members Rep vacant
LGBTQ+ Members Rep Lewis McDonald (Mechanical Engineering)
Disabled Members Rep vacant
International Members Reps Mihika Chatterjee (SPS)
Academic-Related & Professional Services Rep vacant
Postgraduate Members Rep Alex Charnley (POLIS)
Academic Research-Only Staff Rep vacant
Academic Teaching-Only Staff Rep Galadriel Ravelli (PoLIS)
Academic Teaching & Research Staff Rep Ben Radley (SPS)
Professor Rep vacant


Negotiating Committee 2024/25

The Negotiating Committee is elected by the Branch Committee and is the only body empowered to conduct negotiations with the University of Bath.

Ben Ralph
Fran Amery
Michael Carley
Sofia Doyle
Sarah Parry
Sandhya Moise