UCU Workplace contacts

We aim to have least one UCU contact person in each department or section of the University.  Contacts are members who help distribute messages to wider membership and someone you can ask for information about getting help or support when you need it.  Department Contacts do not usually attend Committee Meetings but have access to the UCU email list for their department and are encouraged to facilitate UCU meetings/debates at a departmental level.

For more information on what the role involves and how to become one see HERE.

If there is no contact for your Department or section please consider taking on that role.  Contact us to find out more about this role will entail and the training you will be able to access. The list of workplaces is not meant to be exhaustive and we would support members taking on the role of contact for other identifiable workplaces.


Department/Section Contact Person
Academic Registry vacant
Admissions & Outreach vacant
Architecture and Civil Engineering Mark Evernden
Nick McCullen
Computing Services (DD&T) Tim Barrett
Careers Services vacant
Centre for Learning & Teaching Nigel Goldsmith
Chemical Engineering David Hassel
Tyrone Falls
Chemistry vacant
Computer Science Peter Hall
James Davenport
Economics vacant
Education vacant
Electronic and Electrical Engineering vacant
Foreign Languages Centre vacant
Health vacant
Library Kate Ehrig-Page
Life Sciences [B&B + P&P] Andrew Brennan
Stefan Bagby
School of Management vacant
Mathematical Sciences vacant
Mechanical Engineering Michael Carley
Sabina Gheduzzi
Physics vacant
PoLIS George Newth

Pamela Jacobsen
Leda Blackwood
Research Innovation Services (RIS) vacant
Social and Policy Science Ben Radley
Skills Centre vacant
Student Support & Safeguarding Nyika Suttie
Student Union vacant
Widening Participation Office Agnes Mason