Bath UCU at Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival

Bath UCU at Tolpuddle 2015


Last weekend members from Bath UCU joined colleagues from other HE and FE branches in the South West at the Tolpuddle Martyr’s Festival in Dorset. Every year thousands of people visit Tolpuddle to celebrate trade unionism and to remember the sacrifice made by the Tolpuddle Martyrs. The event features three days of music, political discussion and debate, poetry, comedy and a large parade of union banners on the Sunday. 

Branch Vice President, Chris Roche, said “This is the second year Bath UCU have helped to run a stall at the festival and it was another big success. This year we were joined by local activists from Bath Against Cuts and Bath Students against Fees and Cuts on the Sunday, and we met hundreds of other trade unionists from around the country to discuss plans for what will be a very challenging few years ahead. Our stall was remarkably popular, particularly among current and prospective students and their parents who wanted to know more about the working conditions for staff in higher education. Over the weekend we raised over £180 in donations and were very pleased to be able to give these to UCU members at Bradford College trying to save their jobs, and to PCS members on strike to fight privatisation at the National Gallery. We’ll definitely be going back to Tolpuddle again in 2016 and are planning more social events throughout this year, so keep an eye out for what’s coming up.”

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