- What is the position of your branch on the pay element of the offer? This refers to the 2.5% staggered uplift.
Bath UCU: Accept 40%, Reject 48%, Abstain 2%
BDM: Accept 29%, Reject 66%, Abstain 5%
- What is the position of your branch on the pay-related elements of the offer, as set out the Appendix? This refers to the Terms of References for negotiations over casualisation, equality pay gaps, workload, and pay spine reform.
Bath UCU: Accept 49%, Reject 24%, Abstain 27%
BDM: Accept 58%, Reject 29%, Abstain 14%
- What is the position of your branch on the final offer set out by UCEA? This refers to the full offer set out in the Appendix.
Bath UCU: Accept 36%, Reject 53%, Abstain 11%
BDM: Accept 28%, Reject 62%, Abstain 10% - Would your branch be willing to take industrial action in pursuit of an improved offer.Bath UCU: Accept 44%, Reject 40%, Abstain 16%
BDM: Accept 45%, Reject 46%, Abstain 9%
- Does your branch support UCU continuing to lobby the government for additional funding for higher education?
Bath UCU: Accept 98%, Reject 0%, Abstain 2%
BDM: Accept 100%, Reject 0%, Abstain 0%
- Would your branch be in favour of UCU undertaking a consultative ballot over this offer? This would ask whether or not members would be willing to take industrial action to improve this offer.
Bath UCU: Accept 69%, Reject 22%, Abstain 9%
BDM: Accept 83% , Reject 10%, Abstain 7% - Would your branch be in favour of UCU undertaking an industrial action ballot over this offer? This would ask whether or not members would be willing to take industrial action to improve this offer.
Bath UCU: Accept 62%, Reject 33%, Abstain 4%
BDM: Accept 76%, Reject 15%, Abstain 10%